Thursday, January 17, 2019

Painting Tin Men Fleet from Ravenstar Studio

A few years ago I painted a fleet of ships for a charity auction at a game convention out East.  I volunteered to paint another fleet this year and was give a fleet of Tin Men ships from Ravenstar Studio.

These ships have a robotic crew, so I wanted to make sure they had a look that matched that idea.  In my head, this group of ships has been assigned a guard post in a distant nebula and have been stationed there for millennia.  The constant exposure to the corrosive elements in the nebula have taken their toll on the ships and they show the wear and tear.  (I know this may not make scientific sense, but it sounded good in my head).

The ships have interesting designs and I was happy with the paint scheme.  I hope whomever won them at the auction enjoy them and put them to good use.

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