Exocrine Brood |
Biovore Brood |
Carnivex / Razorfex Brood |
Hormagaunt Brood |
Termagaunt Brood |
This month's additions. |
NetEpic Gold
Hormagaunt Brood - 5 stands - 100 points
Hormagaunt Brood - 5 stands - 100 points
Hormagaunt Brood - 5 stands - 100 points
Termagaunt Brood - 10 stands - 150 points
Termagaunt Brood - 10 stands - 150 points
Termagaunt Brood - 10 stands - 150 points
Biovore Brood - 3 stands - 200 points
Biovore Brood - 3 stands - 200 points
Carnifex Brood - 3 stands - 100 points
Exocrine Brood - 3 stands - 250 points
I've got a pretty solid force at this point, but need to add a few more command units. I also want to add a few more "vehicle" units before I call this army finished.
Ripper swarms are a unit option in the army list, but I'm not sure what to use for them? Any thoughts? Have any of you added ripper swarms to your epic army?